RM Analyzer Help

ELEM: New/Modify

Cross section element data (node allocation) can be input or modified here.

Note: Cross section element numbers can not be modified (e.g to change 3 to 8)!
Ele-From First element in series
Ele-To Last element in series
Ele-Step Element step for the series
Nod No 1 to 9 Node numbers defining the element.

Node numbers must be defined in an anti-clockwise direction.

Series Modification can be done for element series
Elem-type Element type (bending/shear lag) can be modified
Reduct.factor Shear modulus(G) reduction factor can be modified
Point input Node definition for certain element can be modified
Unit No. Assignment to the certain unit
Normal bending element The element will be considered for bending and shear stresses calculation
Shear lag - Y direction The element will be considered only for shear stresses calculation for Y direction
Shear lag - Z direction The element will be considered only for shear stresses calculation for Z direction
Red-Mx Shear modulus(G) reduction factor, caused by Mx
Red-Qy Shear modulus(G) reduction factor, caused by Qy
Red-Qz Shear modulus(G) reduction factor, caused by Qz
Unit No. Number of unit, which the elements should be assigned to

Select OK to store the modified data or Cancel to exit without change.